LittleChubby One2024-09-14 從小在香港這個偏向傳統的華人社區下成長的我倆,礙於自己屬於所謂的「小眾群體」,就算內心對婚姻有一份憧憬,都會認為是一份遙遠的盼望,特別想在土生土長的地方完成任務,簡直是不可能。 感恩經過前人不斷的努力,Next Chapter的成立,並且不斷努力為大家開托更多可行性,引進了「免飛婚禮合法註冊」服務。 正所謂「天時、地利、人和」,走到第13個年頭,我倆終於能夠以一個盼望已久的新身份,開展人生新一章。 感謝Next Chapter的阿Mac在第一次見面時,細心地照顧到我們的情緒,給予清晰的資訊,釋除我們的疑慮。 感謝Next Chapter 的阿淳在後續主力處理我們的註冊及儀式上,給予我們大大的幫助,特別當日我倆心情都非常緊張,阿淳專業和敏捷的應變,使我倆能完全放心地交托給他,而且在當日幫助我們翻譯,使幾位老人家都能夠完全參與其中,又細心的幫忙照顧幾位老人家的情緒,儀式能順利圓滿地完成,阿淳實在功不可沒。 我們的婚禮雖然很簡單,卻處處充滿温暖和祝福。 感恩人生路上能遇到Next Chapter整個團隊、阿Mac、阿淳,有你們的付出和幫助,使這件不可能的任務終於夢想成真,再次感謝。 K and W Nadira Opal2024-07-02 Next Chapter是非一般的公司,整個團隊都有理念和抱負,並且會付諸實行、作出嘗試。為了推廣多元性傾向婚姻平等,Next Chapter與Eaton Hotel合辦Pride to Wed,以集體婚禮模式向公眾展現多元的愛,在香港創出先河,我和太太十分榮幸能參與其中。 整個婚禮的籌備過程中,Next Chapter團隊展示出專業、盡責的服務,他們用心友善,心思細密,很多我們還沒想到的,他們都已經打點好或已準備好提供意見,我們能完全放心將所有關於婚禮的事都交託給他們。 特別鳴謝Ambrose和Mac,有你們的協助,一切才得以如此順利,我和太太才能享受那個屬於我們彼此的獨特時刻,衷心感謝! Shane Lam2024-06-30 係香港🇭🇰 首先 逸東酒店 (eaton hk) 就好貼地 好值得遊客去 1. 佢有米芝連2024 中菜廳 2. 佢地open mind 到一個點係國際水平 再者 next chapter 依間公司 為LQBT+ 行前左好多步 nice service, well prepare, good vibes! LUM IP2024-06-30 衷心感謝Next Chapter完美的安排!貼心的服務,每一個細節都照顧到,一次過安排十對新人的婚禮,絕對不容易,但你們都做到了,而且做得很好!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻讓我們得到一個完滿的婚禮!辛苦晒大家!謝謝🙏🏻🥰😘 Chan Dark2024-06-27 剛剛的6月25日我同Daisy完婚。。亦都祝福同場10對新人(包括自己)以後生活愉快,幸福滿滿!真的好感謝NEXT CHAPTER 。。令到我同Daisy及其他新人有個完美嘅婚禮。。你地團隊嘅專業及付出。。令到我地嘅婚禮十全十美。。一切一切盡在不言中。。亦都希望今次婚禮令更加多人知道點樣去尋找自己幸福。。祝NEXT CHAPTER團隊身體健康。。生活愉快🥰🥰🥰 ka yan Tsui2024-06-27 Next Chapter LGBT (Next Chapter) is a professional wedding planning service provider that singles itself out from other service providers because the Next Chapter team is not only good at their business, specializing in arranging both overseas and virtual marriages, but also strives to promote equality and LGBTQ+ rights in HK. I know it because my wife and I tied the knot in an event organized by Next Chapter and Eaton Hotel. Together with another 13 sponsors, they organized a collective wedding ceremony campaign, namely “Pride to Wed” as part of the Pride Month’s celebration. This showed the public all kinds of love and there’s pure beauty in it. We registered our marriage online through a process recognized in the US. The whole ceremony was decent, touching, and historical in HK. My wife and I are honored to be part of the campaign. It is meaningful not only for us, but for others, as it shows that marriage is a fundamental right that everyone should enjoy, regardless of their gender and/or sexual orientation. To anyone who are considering getting married, I am confident that Next Chapter LGBT (Next Chapter) would definitely be your best choice. I know because I have experienced it. Last but not least, Special Thanks to Ambrose and Mac of the Next Chapter who have guided us through the whole process. We couldn’t thank you enough. Thank you thank you thank you! Lau Irene2024-06-16 Providing a good quality of service although we took a basic plan for wedding. It is comfortable and casual for us to liaise with them. Jaiyn Ho2024-03-23 Heartfelt Thanks for Exceptional Service Dear Team Next Chapter, We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional service your team has provided. From start to finish, your dedication, attention to detail, and genuine care and patience have made a lasting impression. Your professionals' passion and efficiency exceeded our expectations, while their warmth and sincerity made us feel valued. Your commitment to excellence shines through in every aspect of your operations. Impressive services that you all have provided is a surprise and out of our expectation. We are thrilled about everything that Next Chapter has provided us. And we would never imagine that we can get our marriage certificate without the need of flying out of Hong Kong in a timely manner, which save us the time and cost on the travel. Please extend our gratitude to your entire team. All your efforts have made a significant difference in our experience as a customer. Thank you for the outstanding service. Looking forward to future interactions when we would be able to arrange a party for this! Warm regards, Tinna & Jaiyn TSZ CHING LO (L)2024-02-17 流程簡單容易理解 員工態度十分友善良好 處理海外婚姻程序毫無差錯